©もぐす(comic POOL / 一迅社刊)/舞台「恋と呼ぶには気持ち悪い」製作実行委員会
Based on
もぐす(comic POOL/一迅社刊)
Tokyo: 26 April-5 May, 2024, HULIC HALL TOKYO
Osaka: 10-12 May, 2024, COOL JAPAN PARK OSAKA TTHall
JPY 9,500
*Tax included
*All seats reserved
*Please visit the official website for further information.
March 24th, 2024, at 10:00am(JST)
Tokyo: Performance Office (10am-5pm, Weekdays)
Osaka: Kyodo information
TEL: 0570-200-114 (11am-6pm, Weekdays & sat.)
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